
The toilet plunger is Art

Spot was a upcoming famous Artist along with Andy Warhol. In art university You will find him under the category of artists over the edge. In art encyclopedias you will see one of his works was a urinal turned upside down and he signed it. This was at a very prestigious showing. Was it Art?  He suffers from lead poisoning from the many bronze pieces he did. I met him in NM driving around making cool patterns in patterns in the snow in a mall parking lot. He was one of the most inspiration artists I have ever met. Loopy as all get out but inspirational. His bronzes sell for thousands even today. He is still alive living in his van. somewhere in the south west I think.
Yes the toilet plunger is Art because: The maker is a work of Art, it a reminder of what we all have to do some time with a Whimsical twist.
I am with Amy it needs a pedestal. and BIG BIG PRICE TAG. 
I found a mail box that was perfectly smashed cleaned it up put it on a board titled it the US Postal service  and sold it. Last year I traded 3000.00 worth of treatment with a orthopedic surgeon for a chair made out of old crutches and skies.
Where does this art this imagination come from? It is truly all in your head. To get to the source you have to “know thy self”  In getting to know your self you discover the playful child within. This is the source of imagination, exploration, and creative playing. This is where healthy people want to be.
We do have a big job as art ambassadors to lay aside egos and promote creative living. This is where there is an ongoing conflict with in Am I an Artist or Am I  a business man. Many artists like Spot will live on for hundreds of years while he’s living selling his plasma at the plasma bank. Is he successful?  I would say yes if for no other reason than he inspired me. The concept of art I much like the concept of God. They both meet the personal needs of the believer.  Taking that concept and selling it is a different game. If it is approached like a game where you can have fun, challenge, and rewards, then the business side will follows not lead.I would be glad to share the moderator ship with you. I would suggest to open it up with out checking each post out. have you had anything that did not get posted? spammers are easier to deal with than having to wait on your post to get up. sometimes the boards get hopping when several people are on line having to check each one out slows these floods to a trickle.  perhaps a vote on this?If it gets out of hand (don’t think it will ) then it could return

Article by Bim Willow posted at Monochrome yahoogroups on 05 Jan 2005 – (I was the moderator Oruc Yildirim)

Mr Bim Willow please contact me if you are ok for posting your valuable thoughts – Thanks

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